Hey folks – It’s been a long time, but there is lots of activity brewing here at BSV HQ. We’ve got a couple of screenings coming up in Europe, so stay tuned for those details. And, another documentary is in the works. We are very excited about this, and I would guess that fans of […]continue
BSV Box Set – Reduced Price! Plus, an online version of the film (finally)!
Oxbow – Los Angeles – 666 Festival, 2006

These guys were right at home at HH Records, and I was thrilled to interview and film them that night. I hope they find a new label, as their music is simply too powerful to be contained.continue
An Epitaph & Fundraiser for Hydra Head Records – Boston Screening and Concert!

In September 2012, Hydra Head Records announced their imminent demise. Bands and bills still need to be paid, so a swan-song benefit party is being thrown for the ex-Boston-based label with a live performance by The Austerity Program at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Boston, Massachusetts, on Friday, November 30th.continue
Cave In – Santa Ana – 2005

From the Extras DVD, this is from the 2nd show that was filmed for the doc. RJ Paganini and I jammed down to Orange County to film this show at an all-ages club that graced every square inch of their walls with band t-shirts.continue
Daughters – Los Angeles – 2006

We posted this clip about a year ago, but it’s worth bringing up again. This was from a Hydra Head showcase, with Daughters, Pelican, and Xasthur gracing the stage. The perfect example of the eclectic catalog of the label.continue
Isis – Los Angeles – 2005

Isis played songs at this one-off show that I never heard them play live again. This performance of “Glisten” is one of them – previously released on Isis’ “Clearing the Eye” DVD.continue
One Year Later…
Hey everybody – Long time, no talk – but for good reason. On 15 October 2012, BSV will be one-year old! We’ve been laying low the past couple of months, partially to rest from the past year of glorious madness. It’s been a whirlwind of awesome proportions – from releasing the film at our self-curated […]continue
European Box Set Bonanza

We are delighted and amazed and grateful that box sets of the film are still selling! Most of the box sets travel to Europe, which unfortunately creates a lot of extra fees. We have been told that some people have not bought box sets because of the combined cost of postage and customs fees. Well, […]continue
For the Visually Inclined

14 dates, 6 Q+A’s, 102 croissants… and 186 photos, whittled down from over 800! These are just a few of the basic stats from our whirlwind week in France, where we recently toured with BS+V. Thanks to Kongfuzi Booking, BS+V was given the royal treatment with 14 screenings, of which we were able to participate […]continue
Scott Kelly on the Road. BS+V off the Road.

We’re back from France, and we have a lot of photos, a lot of stories, and a lot of people to thank. We would especially like to thank all of you who attended the screenings throughout France, organized by the almighty Kongfuzi team! We’ll be posting a much more elaborate report in a couple weeks, […]continue